Is CBD Right for You as a Treatment for Anxiety, Sleep Disorders or Substance Abuse? - Addiction Modesto
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Is CBD Right for You as a Treatment for Anxiety, Sleep Disorders or Substance Abuse?

Is CBD Right for You as a Treatment for Anxiety, Sleep Disorders or Substance Abuse?

Yes, it may be, depending on what fits for your particular needs.  New information is coming out all the time about the benefits of cannabidiol (CBD), CBD mixed with THC (the active high ingredient) and hemp (no psychoactiveness) for anxiety, sleep issues, stress and even as a substitute for stronger addictive drugs.


Yes, it may be, depending on what fits for your particular needs.  New information is coming out all the time about the benefits of cannabidiol (CBD), CBD mixed with THC (the active high ingredient) and hemp (no psychoactiveness) for anxiety, sleep issues, stress and even as a substitute for stronger addictive drugs.

This is not the article for you if you are looking to get high. My goal here is to provide some basic information for those that are curious about the use of CBD & hemp (hemp (defined as cannabis with less than 0.3 percent THC) in the United States .

I’ve put off blogging about this subject because of the confusion produced by all the new info out since legalization in California (2016) and because I want to provide useful, accurate info. Having said that, if you find an error in this column, please let me know. I’m still on a learning curve.

Also, be clear, I’m not advocating the use of CBD or THC, just providing information. And, lets remember, if you’re under 21 in California, THC or marijuana is illegal. CBD can be used only with parental approval.. I know some parents are treating their children that have ADD or ADHD or seizure disorders with CBD or hemp products with positive effects. You’ll have to research. Jayden’s Journey’s store in Modesto has helpful information.

If you’re confused about what some of the terms mean and what exactly the benefits might be to – you’re in good company. Especially, if you’re over the age of 50.

Basic Terms:

  • CBD: It’s not psychoactive like THC,” states the article CBD Myths & Misconceptions.  “CBD is the medical part of the marijuana plant. CBD comes in edibles, tinctures, vape pens, etc.

  • THC is the recreational or “high causer” that also has therapeutic benefits – anti-nausea, perhaps helps with Alzheimers. It’s still considered a Schedule I drug in many parts of the country.

  • Note: CBD produced from hemp doesn’t produce a high. Hemp seems to be gaining in popularity.

Google marijuana dispensaries in your area and go in and talk with the business you purchase from. Most of the sales people are very knowledgeable and will explain all the options based on what you’re wanting to accomplish.

Can CBD work to calm anxiety, anger or stress?  Yes.

I’ve had at least half a dozen clients tell me in the last couple of years that they are using CBD, either alone, or mixed with varying amounts of THC (the activating and psychoactive ingredient) to self-medicate anxiety and stress, or sleep. Most are not using CBD mixes to get high, but to deal with pain, stress and anxiety.

There are a number of CBD focused (not THC) studies that state CBD can be helpful treating:

  • Pain relief

  • Acts as an Anti-seizure med

  • Anxiety, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder

  • Sleep issues

  • Fight cancer  (esp. nausea, but perhaps even healing…)

  • Stress, including post-traumatic stress disorder.

However, most of these are not long-term studies.  It’s simply too new a field.

What about substance abuse treatment?

Regarding use of CBD, or CBD/THC mixes to wean or replace heavier drugs. My professional opinion is that if a tincture or edible helps with withdrawal or the anxiety/stress/sleep problems that come up especially in first year, it’s an option.  AA/NA folks would not agree as they urge complete abstinence. You’ll have to check in with your own recovery process and see what fits for you.

I’m personally hopeful about the uses of CBD for sleep problems and stress. I’ve begun using a CBD/THC tincture from a local business. I’m taking the lowest dose and it leaves me a bit sleepy during the day, which I don’t care for. We’ll see how it goes over time. I don’t want or like a psychoactive effect which is why I chose a CBD product.  I may try hemp in the future.

My practice, Addiction Modesto, is in California which legalized medical marijuana in 1996 and in Nov 2016 legalized recreational marijuana with Prop 64. Many other states are following along so check your state for legality as the use of is still considered a federal crime, even IF your state has legalized.

Feel free to email me at with comments or additional research tidbits.

Blessings & JOY to you – Lynn

Feel free to use all or part of this blog as long as you list my name, website and contact information.

Lynn is the author of Intentional JOY: How to Turn Stress, Fear & Addiction into Freedom.

Check out for resources and blogs.

209 505-2675

Picture of Lynn Telford-Sahl

Lynn Telford-Sahl

Lynn Telford-Sahl is a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor with a Masters in Psychology with a Holistic Specialization from John F. Kennedy University in Orinda, CA. Feel free to use all or part of this blog as long as you list my name, website and contact information. Lynn is the author of Intentional JOY: How to Turn Stress, Fear & Addiction into Freedom.
209 505-2675
Click HERE to get your copy of Intentional Joy



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