Do you worry that you drink or use too much alcohol or other drugs? On the one hand, you know you “should” seek help. On the other hand, you don’t want to give up the high, the escape, the relief from anxiety or depression that using gives you. You want help, you don’t want help – push/pull. It’s painful. As the consequences of your using become worse – relationships break apart, jobs are lost, family relationships upset, DUI’s or other legal matters happen.
Denial is one reason people convince themselves their using is under control. “Yes, sometimes I drink too much, but then I get it back under control.” (Until the next time).
Fear is another reason people put off getting help – fear of withdrawal symptoms, fear of the unknown, fear of judgment of others.
At AddictionModesto I offer support and guidance to help you decide the level of care that will be most helpful. I meet you where you are. That’s where we start and work towards abstinence or moderation, building the coping skills you may be missing. I have spent 30 years helping folks with addictive struggles and bring my wisdom, experience and care to each and every person I work with. Reach out Now.