COVID-19 Archives - Addiction Modesto
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Couples Conflict

Couples Conflict: How to Deal with Conflict in a Win Win Way “Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they are on the same side.”– Zig Zigler Let’s face it – relationship isn’t all roses and smiles. Once the initial courtship buzz has worn off, it takes work to

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Winter is the Time for Wellness, Hope & Self-Care

5 Actions to Comfort, Soothe and Feel Better! “Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” —Dalai Lama Whoo!! Are we over the stay-at-home thing yet? Or, are we settling in? What a crazy time and despite the conflicting information –should we re-open or not, are we wearing face masks or not,

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COVID 19 Stress, Substance Abuse & Relief with Tapping Technique

COVID 19 Stress, Substance Abuse & Relief with Tapping Technique Is it possible to FEEL BETTER even though the stresses and strains of staying at home, job uncertainty, kids underfoot and spouses…being extra together? Yes. While Tapping Technique won’t change situations, it can help you cope better.  Effective coping is really important. Tapping Technique can help

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