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Relapse prevention

Happy People

3 Healthy Habits to Support Your Sober Lifestyle

At Addiction Modesto, we know that embracing sobriety is a courageous and often challenging journey. Adopting positive routines and healthy habits can significantly increase your well-being and reinforce your commitment to a sober lifestyle. To help you get started, we’re here to share some practical strategies for cultivating healthy habits that will support your long-term

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Woman at River

Women & Addiction: Are Women More At Risk?

By the time I was 15, my mother’s alcohol problem had become severe. My parents’ marriage ended. Divorced, no career skills, she was only able to find a low-paying job. She kept sliding downward financially.  My dad wasn’t great about child support. Evictions, loss of a car, and domestic violence in her new relationship (and

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COVID 19 Stress, Substance Abuse & Relief with Tapping Technique

COVID 19 Stress, Substance Abuse & Relief with Tapping Technique Is it possible to FEEL BETTER even though the stresses and strains of staying at home, job uncertainty, kids underfoot and spouses…being extra together? Yes. While Tapping Technique won’t change situations, it can help you cope better.  Effective coping is really important. Tapping Technique can help

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Guest Blog: Bethany Hatton

There are few things in life that are more painful than seeing someone you love go off the rails because of substance abuse. Their family life begins to crumble; their career comes to a screeching halt; and they become emotionally distant, angry or depressed.

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The Heart-Break of Addiction

Recently, the San Francisco Chronicle had a heartbreaking letter written by Ricci & Vernae Graham’s about the loss of their son Malcolm to an opioid overdose. The Graham’s son is a typical story. He got hooked on prescription opioids after a football injury, over time became addicted, had mood problems, got in trouble with the

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Americans Addicted to Legal Drugs – Vicodin Anyone?

Americans are addicted to legal drugs and by drugs I mean pharmaceutical drugs. Pharmaceutical companies are the most profitable industry in the world. Marcia Angell, M.D. first woman editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine reports that in 2002 the $35.9 billion the top drug companies earned were greater than the profits of the other

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5 Easy Steps to Train the Addictive Brain For JOY

Joy training for the addictive brain? Yes, it’s possible I’m happy to say. I was at my brother Lee’s 12 Step N.A. meeting when he got his 1 year chip. Yeah Lee!!  There were 100 people in the room celebrating each other for their hard work to stay sober from 1 year to 28 years. 

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Pills for Problems: What To Do Instead

Pills for problems – can’t take just one. Pills, pills, pills. By pills I mean Vicodin, Lortab, OxyContin. So many pills for so many problems. Got pain? Feeling sad or blue? Not happy enough? Or, do you just want to get high? Take a few pills. As an addiction counselor I’ve seen the number of

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The Blessing of Addiction Relapse?

The Blessing of Relapse? Really. Yes, really. Let’s say Joe has been using alcohol and pot since he was 13. At 29 he’s tired of being exhausted, broke, fighting with his girlfriend, having his parents upset with him. He’s done. Joe starts attending AA/NA 12 step meetings. But, he doesn’t do the 90 meetings in

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